6 Powerful Winter Super-Foods You Must Eat This Season.

Here are 6 easily available specific foods which keep you warm during Winter Season.

If you see people buttoning the sleeves and wearing scarves, you know that winter is coming! As you crawl on your blanket in the morning, hundreds of reasons why you would not leave your home will flow through your head. Unfortunately, this can not be the case.  

There are many foods, specifically available during this season, which can help to fight the cold months. They help keep you warm and provide the nutrients that your body needs during this season. In addition to consuming these super-specific foods for the winter, we must obtain important nutrients from a wide range of foods. 

According to experts, one should focus on a balanced diet throughout the year. Every food that is available to us is great. However, there are 6 Super Foods that recommend this winter, so you can spend a healthy and energetic winter. Take a look:

1. Sweet Potatoes...

Go slow with calories this winter and food rich with sweet potatoes. Although they have a higher sugar content than their normal potatoes, their nutritional value is much higher. 

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fiber, vitamin A and potassium. Regular consumption can help to cure constipation, improve your immunity and is known to reduce inflammation.

2. Turnip and leaves...

This vegetable with starch is an excellent antioxidant that is known to help reduce the risk of cancer. It is rich in vitamin K and the leaves have a generous amount of vitamin A.
The consumption of turnip and leaves will help your body to improve your overall cardiovascular health and strengthen your bones and improve your digestion.

3. Dates...

The lower fat content on the dates helps you control your weight. They are a source of nutrients and an essential tool for people who go to the gym. Regular consumption of dates helps your body stay warm during the winter.

4. Almonds and Walnuts...

Regular consumption of almonds and winter walnuts provides an active nervous system, improved sensitivity to insulin, a heart and a healthy body. Why would you only eat them if you can combine them with apricots in this recipe?

5. Ragi...

The best way for a vegan to consume calcium is to have ragi. In addition, ragi helps to control diabetes and anemia. He is known to help with the conditions of insomnia, anxiety and depression.

6. Bajra...

This small and beautiful variety of millet is rich in fat, rich in protein and fiber. The high iron content plays a vital role in the cure of anemia. If you eat regularly, millet can help strengthen your bones.

There is only one way to live a healthy life, it is to have a holistic approach to health; someone who understands food in balance with regular physical activity. Your daily diet should consist of one form or another of the five groups of foods, namely milk and milk products, poultry products, grains, vegetables and fruit. 

In addition, you also have to give your body the fluid it needs for a healthy functioning. On average, a person needs 30 ml of fluid per kg of body weight to maintain the fluidity of his body. The best way to consume super seasonal foods is to include them in your balanced daily diet. This way your body gets the best of both worlds and you, the best health!


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