Fast food lovers, you will soon find more options about where you will find your hamburger and fries with the revival of the United Kingdom Wimpy multinational chain.

Yes, the Fast Food Union is planning a major expansion in the UK hoping to return to its glory days.
In the seventies there were more than 500 Wimpy restaurants in the UK. But McDonald's came to the scene in the 1980s, and Wimpy's figures were limited to only 80 branches.

But now, Wimpy will try to turn his down, announce plans for "expansion and investment."
"We have new and exciting projects in terms of the further expansion and investment program," a Wimpy spokesman told The Daily Star Online.
Little details were revealed, but more plans were announced between February and May 2018, another spokesman added.

However, with established giants like McDonald's, Burger King and KFC main street view, not to mention the fashion chains like Five Guys and Shake Shack that have arisen in recent years, this will be an elusive market.
In addition, the British public is in much better health than 50 years ago and the focus is more on the origin of food.

Having said that, the nostalgia factor can help to attract the elderly, or unethical millennia that would be in a potential retro environment.

The first Wimpy was opened in 1954 at the Lyons Corner House in London and quickly became famous for its burgers and fries.

A few decades later, the chain dominated cities and cities in the United Kingdom.
But when the American food chains have moved, the British public has fallen in love with Wimpy, and after a number of attempts to revive the restaurant, their success has finally disappeared.

The company is currently owned by Famous Brands, based in South Africa......


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