The common mistake Americans make when buying travel insurance, and how to avoid it

Buying a travel insurance must be the most important part of your holiday checklist, but it's important to make sure you get the right policy or you might experience a bad surprise if you are in an accident.

A new travel insurance challenge investigated the biggest mistake made by British tourists when buying a policy, and everything is related to their devices.

The survey found that about 75% of UK gadget enthusiasts expect a standard travel insurance policy to cover lost or stolen goods, but that is far from the case.

In fact, most policies do not automatically cover your favorite electronics, but in most cases you can opt for it.

It is important to check all the details of the policy before buying, even though the coverage is not included.

One in five Britons expects a full refund of the original paid price, while 27% expect to reduce the initial cost of the gadget, minus a surplus, but this is not always the case.

In fact, many insurers pay only the product's probability if the device is over six months old, making it possible to ensure your device is accidentally insured.

Even if you have a new gadget, you must check all the details of the limits of each article.

Although some policies cover you for loss or theft, the maximum amount you pay for an item is no more than £ 500. For example, if you purchased the latest iPhone, you will still be lost.

Fortunately, there are some important tips that you can follow to ensure that you get the best coverage.

Do not just buy the price policy

Before you spend your hard earned money, check the details of filing a claim with the insurer to see if it meets your expectations if you lose your device (or let your phone fall into the group).

Check the terms

It's easy to ignore the terms, but it clearly indicates the costs the insurer will cover for items that you take on holiday with you.
Also, make sure you check the limits of each font so you can not lose if you're protecting your new phone.

Check the excess

Make sure you pay the amount of money to pay if you claim, and remember that it is per person on policy and claim.


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