Top TEN Healthiest Foods And How to Eat Them....

Healthy food has many positive benefits, both for the body and for the mind. If we eat well, we feel good if we feel good, we are happier, when we are happier, we are more productive ... and the beautiful cycle continues. To an increasing extent, shops and restaurants around the world are affiliated with the healthy eating basket, which allows people to treat their body better. 

This list of 10 of the world's healthiest foods is just a first guide: a way to understand the essential vitamins and minerals that the human body must continue to function. And as an extra boost: these healthy meals are absolutely delicious!


This nutritious green super food is available: fresh, frozen or even canned. One of the healthiest foods in the world, spinach is full of energy, low calories and offers vitamin A, vitamin K and essential folate.
EASY FOOD TIPS: Grease with onion and add an omelet for an easy and healthy meal.

Filled with super healthy antioxidants, black beans are slowly digested, making you feel longer. These little beauties are full of calcium, protein and fiber, and they also taste good!
EASY FOOD TIP: Think of Mexican food! Burritos, Nachos, Tacos ... whatever you want.


With more antioxidants than any other nut, nuts are also filled with vitamin E and rich in vegetable oils, omega-3 oils and healthy fats.
EASY TIP FOR FOOD: Keep a stock in your bag for an easy and healthy snack while traveling

Good for the brain and able to reduce blood pressure, modest beetroots are often overlooked as one of the healthiest meals in the world. The brightly colored root vegetable is filled with folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C.
EASY FOOD TIP: Roast in salad for a sweet and handsome whip.

Eating just one or two avocados a week gives you all the benefits of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B6 and folic acid. Check with your local supermarket to find out when this spreadable fruit in the season is in your area.
EASE FOOD TIPS: Toast with salt and pepper, or a piece of cheese if you wish.

According to recent research, chocolate contains more antioxidants, grams per gram than most fruit juices: good news for chocolate addicts! In addition to protecting the body against disease and the occurrence of heart disease, dark chocolate is a natural stimulus of mood.
EASY FOOD TIPS: Eat these healthy foods in moderation - only one or two boxes a day are enough to get the benefits.

Raspberries, like most berries, are filled with antioxidants, to keep the body healthy and disease free. Fresh or frozen, they also provide vitamin C, calcium and iron.
EASY TIP FOR FOOD: Sprinkle yogurt or porridge in the morning to start the day in a sweet and delicious way.

This spicy bulb has been used to prevent disease for centuries because it inhibits bacterial growth, lowers cholesterol and reduces blood pressure and has significant anti-inflammatory power.
EASY FOOD BOARD: crush and cook. Garlic tastes excellent in everything from sauces and sauces to curries and soups.

Lemons often as the healthiest food in the world, have strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have as much vitamin C as oranges.
EASY FOOD TIPS: Add a slice of lemon to your tea or bottled water to keep it healthy and hydrated at the same time.

Finally, this powerful legume is rich in fiber and protein and adds a good taste and texture to every taste. Vegans and vegans are often fanatics of using lentils as a replacement for meat in traditional recipes.
EASY FOOD TIP: Add to salads, soups and stews for extra boost.


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